Tuesday, December 29, 2020

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In an effort to boost the internalization of fair business competition values, Indonesia Competition Commission (ICC) actively conducts Competition Advocacy activity. The activity conducted this time is in the form of an article writing contest entitled “The 2020 ICC Article Writing Contest: Business Competition and MSME Partnership”. The contest started as of October 14, 2020 was open to the public (Journalists, Lecturers, Lawyers, Researchers, Practitioners, the General Public) and (Undergraduate and Graduate) Students.


Following the selection and assessment stages by the jury comprising in-house experts of ICC & Competition Law Academics, 5 finalists of each category as announced on November 25, 2020 on the ICC’s official social media were chosen. The final stage of this article writing contest is a presentation and test by the jury to determine the winners. Taking place in Tangerang – Banten on December 2, 2020, the ten finalists presented their articles online. Present as members of the jury at the final stage were Vice Chairman of ICC Ukay Karyadi, Member of ICC M. Afif Hasbullah, Economist and Academic Faisal Basri, as well as Chief Editor of Indonesian Business Maria Yuliana Benyamin.


With due observance of several assessment components of the articles which include the substance, solutions to issues, sharpness of analysis, updated issues, and the media where the articles are published and the presentations of the finalists, members of the jury determine three winners for each category. The winners for the general category are:


    1. The First Winner – Adhi Nugroho with an article entitled “Pandemi dan Antitrust Immunity” (“Pandemic and Antitrust Immunity”),


    1. The Second Winner – Jan Roi Amanson with an article entitled “UMKM Go Digital, ICC Jangan Ketinggalan” (“MSMEs Go Digital, ICC Ought Not to Be Left Behind”),


    1. The Third Winner – Wahyu Kuncoro with an article entitled “Urgensi Pengawasan Kemitraan Pelaku Usaha” (“The Urgency of Businesses’ Partnership Supervision”).


Meanwhile, the winners for the student category are:

    1. The First Winner – Ria Mawaddah with an article entitled “Akselerasi Peran ICC di Era Digitalisasi Untuk Indonesia Maju dan Mandiri” (“The Acceleration of the Role of ICC in the Digitalization Era for Developed and Independent Indonesia”),


    1. Noor Mulia with an article entitled “Menyongsong Kualitas Kelembagaan ICC dengan Memaksimalkan Efektivitas Putusan” (“Looking forward to the Institutional Quality of ICC by Maximizing the Effectiveness of Decisions”),


    1. Izzah Khalif with an article entitled “Kesungguhan ICC Mengawasi Kemitraan UMKM” (“The Seriousness of ICC in Overseeing MSME Partnership”).


ICC hoped that the organization of this contest can help identify the level of understanding of ICC’s stakeholders on the Competition Law and Partnership Supervision as well as a forum for writing and analyzing business competition issues that can serve as new inputs and viewpoints for ICC. In addition to the above, as conveyed in the speech of Vice Chairman of ICC, Ukay Karyadi, it is expected that this sort of contest will beget intellectuals who are interested in business competition issues as well as motivating the writers to delve deeply into Competition Law both viewed from the economic aspect and competition law aspect.